I know, I have been a bit lazy about posting from the lake. Believe me when I say that when I see some of my photography buddies (Keith, Kellybird) posting often, sometimes daily or sometimes to more than one blog, I am dumbstruck by the dedication!! Koodos.
So if you are at all interested in our lake life, here are a few pics of where we spend our summers. It used to be pretty much just me, then Brian retired and he is now able to join me and this year my niece (from Toronto) is working remotely and has been with us for about a month. Never a dull moment. Some day I may take photos of people and post them, but that is not what is getting dished up today.
This is the lookout point way up at the top of the mountain that we face. This platform is, obviously, no longer safe to go out on. Apparently it has been leaning and lopsided, with no rails and all rickety like this for many years. A buddy was telling me her son went out on it before his wedding day and hit a golf ball off it! As mothers, you can imagine how our discussion went following that incident! Seriously, wait until AFTER the wedding!This is sort of the same view but not quite as high. There are many lovely flowers at this stopping point and in my opinion a much better place to get photos from. This is the Sicamous Narrows and Mara Lake. Can you see the red roofs just to the left of the channel? Next to the little tree? That’s where our place is. Pivot.. this is the Salmon Arm, one of four arms of Shuswap Lakes, and of course, many pretty flowers. This viewpoint is a much safer place to get photos from but don’t go without a lot of bug spray and make sure you have good sturdy shoes on.The proverbial fire weed (also known as Rosebay willowherb or Chamaenerion angustifolium). Although there was no evidence of fire up there, access to the lookout is via a logging road so there are old and new clearings. This is a very hardy plant that works diligently to recolonize burnt out or cleared areas where spaces are wide open and there is plenty of light. After brush and trees grow back – it disappears.And a lovely wild tiger lily. They were fairly abundant up on the mountain. I’m not sure of their growing season but will go back up another day to see if there are more.