The Hummingbird Trials

I have been going to visit friends at their cabin on the Shuswap Lakes for many years and have admired their lovely little Rufous Hummingbirds many times. I was finally up there and had remembered my camera and the big lens for a change and the two that make the cabin their home (the birds not the Greens) were cooperating.

The trials, as I see them include remembering all the right camera gear (there are so many things to take up each time we go), having the birds settle down enough for me to get them in the frame AND focused, actually taking the time (so many things to do, so many friends to visit with) to sit on the deck and concentrate on the birds, and relaxing. Okay, overall I’m pretty relaxed but there is a lot to do when the whole fam is out on the lake so just sitting and photographing these lovelies has been a part of the challenge.

There are two of these highly territorial birdies that flit about, competing for the sugar water that S&J put out for them in two feeders. They are spread over the entire width of a very large deck but still fight for dominance over the feeders. It’s pretty comical and they are rarely still. But I did get a few pics of one of these beauties in one of the trees that surround the cabin over a couple of short moments in time.

I think both of the birds are juvenile males as there is a fair amount of green on this guys back.
I have named him Rudy
Rudy, preening himself after a successful thwarting of his arch enemy, Fluffhead
He is definitely not a gracious winner


    1. Thanks Keith. It’s easiest when they are sitting still, lol. I have many photos of a feeder all by itself or blurred trees.

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