Another day searching for the Snowies for me. I headed out north and east of Calgary because there is lots of wide open spaces for the Snowy Owls. They like being able to hunt over our farmer’s wide open harvested fields. Especially, it seems, if they can sit way up high on a light post.
They do not seem very skittish at all, like some of the other types of owls I have found. I have posts of them HERE and HERE. The Snowy Owls seem as curious about me as I am about them. Okay, so I do move up on them slowly, taking pictures as I stop and then move closer again. Some seem to be more tolerant, in terms of time and space, of me than others.
This one was by some little country community of about 5 or 6 homes. A school bus drove by and off he or she went and I was on the wrong side of the school bus so did not get any ‘in flight’ photos.