Hunting Alberta Owls Day 3

Okay, so, I got word (secret word) that I could find Short-Eared and Great Horned Owls (in a barn window no less) if I followed the secret trail to this secret location. I was thrilled…. beyond words. Well, I did ask if I could take my buddy Kim. But, first, I decided to go out in advance and made sure I could even find this secret location.

I looked at the map, headed this way then that way, lined it up with my own map and finally there I was… along with 5 other cars of people. In all I think that day I saw about 7 or 8 cars of owl hunters. Some were singles like me, one was a family and others had two or three people. Most, but not all, seemed to be photographing them.

And why not? They are so lovely and practically posing for us all. The Short-Eared Owls are a bit more skittish than the Snowies. I found this out when I got out of my car and openly but slowly walked up closer to get a bit closer. Boy, they just seem to want to take off when you are least expecting it.

I went home after this day and said to BD that I thought I needed a longer lens or maybe an extender for my current Big Boy….. crickets.

Once I had downloaded the photos and had a good look I realized also I needed to figure out getting my focusing skills up a lot. I went online and found some YouTube videos on back buttoning focus that I had heard others discuss and didn’t understand and was ready to go out next time to see if that would help. In the meantime, these are the Short-Eared Owls

There were about three of these guys around. I have no idea which are male or female though.
Another tree, another beautiful owl
Even better on a fence post. Too bad I wasn’t in focus better than this but isn’t he gorgeous!!???
This guy looks different. I am still pretty sure he is a Short-Eared though.
IN FLIGHT! This was the best I was able to get with using my shutter button focusing.

Next, I headed around the corner and up the country road to a farm. Not far away and very few people were over there. And as I am driving by there they are – the famous Great Horned Owl couple. I stopped behind another car and hopped out to get my shots. There was another photographer there, but not a conversationalist at all. He had his spot staked out, apparently he had been there a while as a friend warned me not to listen to his advise. Apparently it’s could be false and he wants the spot all to himself. I think that is just rumour though. Who would care if others got the same photos as you and tons of other photographers? I’ve been seeing photos of this couple for quite some time on social media so they are well known. I hope you like mine!

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. G-G. Hoot
“My dear, are you awake yet?”

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