Another day out on the backroads of Alberta with Kim and we had an awesome day finding both Snowies and Short-Eared Owls. Shhh… I took her to the very secret place where everyone else was.
We headed out before the sun melted the frost off everything and I was sure I would see more owls but not as fast as this one decided to show up for us! We had pulled over to catch some cattail reflections in a little creek and there she was, just waiting for us to take her picture. I have to say the Snowies are pretty good posers and since they stay way up high will sit around to have their pictures snapped.
Today I began working with my back button focusing and did okay but the ‘in flight’ photos need more work it seems.

There was so much hoar frost on all the bushes, trees, fence lines and wires. It really felt like Narnia on some of the roads. We had to stop for this beauty. This is the kind of scenery that makes you love winter, especially when it looks like such a beautiful wonderland.

And finally, I got to show Kim a Short-Eared Owl. They weren’t as abundant this day but we had plenty to fill our time while waiting for them to appear.

Well, this is not as in focus as I would like. I admit, I got a bit excited and had some trouble following this guy but still, I’m happy.

The butt end of a bird. I have lots of these!! Way to many of these!!!

Once Kim and I decided to get on our way home we discussed the possibility of seeing any more Snowies. No, we thought, they won’t be on the highway. All the trucks, all the noise, it really didn’t seem to me that it was likely that there would be any. BUT, there he was! Watching the cars and trucks and wondering if we wanted a portrait of him – ON THE HIGHWAY. Note all the magnificent white. This is only the second mature male I have seen. He is lovely, isn’t he!!

Here’s another owl butt for you. Did I mention I have WAY too many of these??
Before I dropped Kim at her house we had already stretched my plan from three days (come four) of owl hunting to five! We would go out to a place north west of Cochrane, if we could find it, and see if we could spot any of the Great Greys that we had heard were out there.