Reflections As the New Year Approaches

At the beach on a cold December day with my favourite boy.

Wow, 2020! I remember (way back when) when I was in my 20’s I wrote myself a letter, “Not to be opened until the year 2000”. I remember that I didn’t even really believe that I would be alive by then. After all, I would be old! 42! And here it is, 20 years later and I am still happy, healthy and my life is filled with joy.

I have a wonderful family and many friends that fill my life with love. I have a camera that keeps me busy, creative and out of doors. I have quilting which keeps my dexterity sharp, my brain active (there’s a lot of math involved in figuring out patterns) and my thoughts in creative mode.

There are a lot of crows around our place in Victoria this winter. Maybe this is the norm for winter?

I have a new Camino in my near future and a family reunion. And now that Brian is also retired I have the life of Riley in my ongoing future. Just to be clear, he is my uncomplaining sherpa of the camera equipment, driver to places near and far, dinner prep helper and so much more!

My goal this year is to stretch my creativity. I have written some poems and will try to write some more – enough to create a book with my photos and poems. This is an idea that I got from my good friend E who created a book of her husband’s poetry and her photos. I don’t write poetry as well as him but I don’t really care, I just like to create.


Does anyone do a One Little Word for their year? I choose one and try to build on it in all the things I do throughout that year. I’m having trouble narrowing mine down this year. I have already used “Create” in the past so I’m still searching. Last year’s word was “Flourish”. I really liked that one.

I expanded my camera skills, tried a new side business model, started a small reading challenge group, traveled to many places, made new friends, settled my parents into a new life, learned some new skills (like long-arming – it’s a quilting thing), created a quilt pattern. There’s actually lots more, I just don’t recall everything as I write – jeez louise!

So much energy!
I love this pampas grass.

So many driftwood pieces in Vic, this one looks like a badger.
Lovely pattern and a laughing munchkin
This reminded me of an aboriginal art piece.

I have a buddy who loves driftwood. These driftwoods are dedicated to him and his blog, which you can find here. He posts a Driftwood of the Day along with a very prolific blog. He is cutting back this year though so I thought I would help him out by taking care of some driftwood for him.

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year, a wonderous and prosperous 2020 filled with love, joy and creativity!


    1. Thanks Sean. I love all the different greenery in Victoria. There are a lot of people growing palm trees here now too. They must be hardy because it’s still pretty chilly here.

  1. Sounds like 2020 will be another great year for you! And Susan, you will see 2030, 2040 and given your genes many more!!!

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