Glasgow’s Street Murals

Near the backend of BD’s and my trip to Scotland was a visit to Glasgow. We rolled in about 2:00 or 3:00 with no room to check into for 5 or 6 hours… I’m not going to go there though, 7 months later and my seething anger is almost completely dissipated. Don’t they know who I am!!

Yes, well, anyway, we rolled in and I had no predetermined plan for Glasgow. After some scrolling through a few websites and the memory of a beautiful mural we saw on our way to the hotel I found a map of the street murals that Glasgow is famous for. You know, they had three real Banksy’s (there are some fake ones there too I understand) but someone, by mistake, painted over them! They were about 20 years old apparently, so I suspect that time and the elements played a part in them fading and maybe whoever did it didn’t know who Banksy is… I can just see it… Banksy, sitting on a partially ruined brick building wall, a stray dandelion growing out of a crack in the wall, “Don’t they know who I am!!”

So I set out a route for us, making sure that we would end up at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. A good walk, a beautiful day, Sunday in the park with all the Glaswegian families, We didn’t find all of the murals I had hoped for but here is what I did find.

This is the first mural we saw. I’m not sure if I took this as we were driving in or if we walked back there to get the picture.
Another view of the mural. I like this one better with the juxtaposition of old and new.
This mural reminds me of a friend’s daughter. It was painted over the long side of a building. The next picture is part of the other end.
A part of the mural from above, these mechanical propellers represent the dandelion seeds
This was the first mural we saw. It was huge and this is not quite half of it. All mixed up and very well done
These two were all part of one wall collage of art we all likely recognize
The Panda with some graffiti – why? why graffiti street art?
The other end of Panda, I love how the artist picked depicted the light shining through the bamboo forest
This bar is calling us, Sherpa BD!


    1. Thanks Kim! It’s funny, I found this post back in my archives as I wanted to link to it from the Challenge post and had not actually even published it to public. I probably need to go back and optimize it now but I’m not sure now what I could have been thinking (or more likely I was not thinking!).

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