And finally our last week in which Britt really went over the principles again to bring home the concept of quietness in any image that you are taking.
I really enjoyed this course. It made me really think and work a bit harder. I can see that in some cases this will work for me and it is definitely a style of photography that I will try to add to my wide and wild ranging styles. Do we really have to pick just one or two???
My submissions for week 4 ( I was torn between submitting the first one and the last one, in colour, but ended up using the B&W as I thought it was more in the quiet range) :

Well, that was it for this course. I hope you enjoyed my struggles and growth (?) through the four weeks that I learned to stretch a bit in my hobby.
Thank you for sharing your course with us. In terms of your objective, the first one is the most successful. The only unnecessary element is the left most leaf. In the first iamge, I also really like the softness in the lighting, the curve of the petal closest to the stem, and the image’s tonal range. A Supportive Cheers
I really liked that leaf image. I especially thought that the leaves curl had a real elegance to them.