I’ll never tire of Aurora

It seems that whenever you meet her she has a new outfit, a new hairstyle and a new way of showing off her beauty! We were lucky enough to share a few nights with Aurora Borealis while up in the Yukon, September 2019. I managed to stay up for two of the nights and get her on camera. This particular night, in Dawson, she was much more subtle than the night at Sundog Retreat but still made a lovely showing.

The evening started with a light smattering here and there. Plenty of time to work on our nighttime focusing and finding interesting foregrounds. I loved the way that Aurora was suggestive of a new way that she was to reveal herself that night.

The sky began to change so incrementally that before we knew it there the sky was all a-shimmer and iridescent with a light smattering of clouds that made for such interesting designs for us to oohh and ahh over.

And here is a lesson for all of us, whether you are taking photos or just enjoying the beauty around you – DON’T FORGET TO TURN AROUND! Not surprisingly (or just the opposite) there is likely to be something back there that is equally or even more astounding than what is right in front of you. You could look at this as a metaphor on life I suppose. Opening your eyes to more than the task right in front of you is like opening the door to a whole new perspective on what your task has to offer.

But back to the main attraction, and to end this blog post I will offer up a continuation of the first photo and what Aurora, in all her exquisite beauty offered us that night in Dawson.

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