These are Not the Arctic Fox you were Looking For

I’m going to do this post a bit different from others and just write first and then post my photos altogether after. These adorable Arctic Fox were the next on our lucky day treat from the Yukon Wildlife Preserve and Niel Zeller Photography Workshops. We got to experience feeding time for the Fox after the Lynx were done their lunch. These little guys do not look like the images we are used to seeing of Arctic Fox, most are taken when they are in the full winter coat and look much different than these, sporting their summer and fall fashion.

They actually reminded me more of a small dog than a fox in this stage. We entered their enclosure and, although one of our members was able to spot them, they really did blend into their environment. They seemed very shy at first, maybe they were confused as our group was split into two smaller groups and this would have been 2nd lunch for them. No matter, like many of us, they were not going to look a gift horse in the mouth (what on earth does that mean anyway!).

One of these guys was still quite brown, two were already changing to white but none of them had grown that fluffy, cuddly (?) white fur that makes you think, “AH, Arctic Fox to my right”!

Again, as with the Lynx, we were really quite close to these guys and it made for an extremely successful photo experience.

At first, the fox were very shy and hid amongst the trees and grasses. They blended well!
Eventually they came out onto the rock formation that they would receive lunch #2
Waiting….waiting….waiting… Patiently!
We all loved their little tongue action

I saved the best for last! I loved the lovely smile we got at the end of our visit from this little guy!!

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