Small Signs of Spring are Popping Up

Another day, another walk… but today brought a sweet surprise. First we were surprised while walking around Varsity that Bowmont Park has many entry points. So we entered and explored. The park does extend quite a bit further east of Bowness than we were aware of, so first surprise!

Second big surprise – the first signs of spring that I have seen this year! We came upon a lovely field of crocuses on one whole section of a south facing rise that we were walking along. And there were also some fluffy, floaty catkins on stand of poplars that were enjoying the spring breeze. I was pretty excited and commenced with the camera, snapping pictures and generally looking a bit cooky to our fellow walkers. How do I know?, they usually say things like, “What’s she taking pictures of?” What’s that woman doing on the ground?” That sort of thing.

BD and I stuck to the trails less traveled in the park – it is Sunday after all, so there were way too many people out and and about. It is much easier to socially distance from them when you walk the paths that none of them want to take.


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