Alberta Wildfowers (at least in mid June)

And, to be clear, only those that we found in the Bow Valley Provincial Park are in this post. So this is not an extensive list of Alberta Wildflowers by any means.

Today I am going to post the exotic wild orchids that grow in our moist woodland bogs. I’m a bit short on time but got these post processed at least. And I’m pretty sure it is going to take me weeks to identify what I did get. Some I know, others, not so much.

The first two are the Yellow Lady Slipper. They were so abundant where we were that I ended up with close to 75 pictures of these guys alone. I know, a bit overboard, but it is digital and I did scrap about 50% of them!

These white Orchids are called Sparrow’s Egg Lady Slipper. We only came across two stands of them I believe and I only ended up with two images worth looking at.

OOO, talk about exotic (well, at least in my mind)! This is the Striped Coral Root Orchid. Kim and I both thought it was a spent flower of some sort and would have walked by without a second look if it hadn’t been for two very lovely gentlemen (at separate sightings) that actually knew what they were doing and looking at out there!

This is a bit closer look at the flower. Apparently, according to my book, by R.G.H. Cormack, which is very old, there is also a Spotted Coral Root Orchid as well as a Pale Coral Root Orchid – now that I think of it I may have some pictures of the Pale one. Stay tuned… next week maybe???

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