Down the Misty Coastal Road

I’m beginning to love the road trip. It used to be that we would just get in the car and go from A to B. No plan, just “get there”. Being retired has changed that I’m happy to say.

We headed out from Victoria after spending a wonderful 2 weeks with daughter and family. The Coho had gone into dry dock the day before we left so we had to go back to Tsawwassen and down through the border crossing into to Washington there.

I do love Washington but we had a long drive that day so I did not get many photos at all. Our ports of call along the way to San Diego were Portland, Port Orford, Eureka (California), Monterey, Santa Barbara and we are now spending a week in San Diego before getting to our final destination… Palm Springs!

I love the Oregon and California coastline – well, actually I love any coastline I can walk, drive, stroll, hike, photograph. I will apologize right off here. There are a lot of pics down below. That’s what happens when you don’t stay on top of things. Since the following photos are mostly misty coastal photos, I’ve also include a couple of misty forest pictures as well.

I had Brian stopping every rest stop to start but eventually he put the brakes on that (pun intended). After that it was only once an hour or if there was something I desperately had!! to have on my camera.
I love the way all these beautiful rocks poke out of the sea. I’m sure there is an official name for them… (?)
A weed, I know but pretty with that sea blue background, don’t you think? Anyway, I wanted a break here before I got to the next (and last) misty coastal pic (I have hundreds more but don’t want to bore you).
The sun, the mist… sigh!
Pathway to the sea.
Pathway to the forest
The sun, the mist… sigh
These forest photos were taken in different location of the Redwood National Forest in California. This is the first time we were able to enter the forest. Last time we drove here it was closed due to a washed out road. Lucky day for us and what a lovely drive and the trees! Thank


  1. You really did hit a lot of the same spots we did in our camping. I agree: how can you get tired of misty coastline, grassy sand dunes or big Redwoods?!?!?

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